What can I expect from my consultation visit?

During your consultation, you will meet with Dr. Pflueger and the nurse. You will have an assessment of the area or areas of interest. Measurements will be taken at this time if necessary. Dr. Pflueger will describe your procedure in detail. All questions and concerns will be answered at this time. You will be provided with a quote before you leave the office. You will be asked to return for a pre-operative appointment before surgery.

Is there a consultation fee?

There is a $50 consultation fee. This fee is not applied to your surgical procedure.

How can I get a cost estimate?

Cost estimates are difficult to give via telephone or email. It is best to schedule a consultation so that the areas of concern can be assessed thoroughly to provide you with an accurate cost.

Is a down payment required to schedule surgery?

A deposit of 10% is required to schedule surgery.

What is the difference between cosmetic surgeries and reconstructive surgeries?

Cosmetic surgeries are typically performed to enhance or improve one’s appearance. Cosmetic procedures are not covered by a patient’s insurance policy. These services are an out-of-pocket expense. Reconstructive surgeries are performed to reshape, repair, or rebuild parts of the body affected by disease or trauma. Reconstruction can take multiple surgeries. These procedures are performed for medical reasons. Reconstruction is generally covered by a patient’s insurance benefits.

When can I return to work?

Returning to work is dependent upon the procedure a patient has performed. Patients will have a post-operative appointment at 2 weeks. You may return to work following this appointment.

Does insurance cover my procedure?

Only reconstructive surgeries are covered by insurance. We will do our best to have these procedures prior authorized by your insurance company. It is best for patients to also check their insurance benefits.

I don’t want an unnatural look. Is that possible?

It is possible to achieve a natural appearing result. The goal of plastic surgery is not to dramatically change how you look but to enhance or rejuvenate your appearance. Most patients desire a fresher version of themselves. Choosing the right procedure at the right time is essential.

Is plastic surgery safe for me?

A good candidate for plastic surgery is one that maintains a healthy lifestyle, has a stable weight, has well-controlled medical conditions, and refrains from any nicotine use.

How long will my results last?

Results can last many years. Many factors influence the longevity of your results. During your consultation, it is important to discuss with your surgeon your expectations for longevity.  The likelihood of future procedures is based on the specific procedure performed and your individualized treatment plan.

What if I already had surgery somewhere else, but did not like the outcome?

Having surgery by a different surgeon is of no consequence. We are happy to see you and assess your results. We would be glad to help you achieve your desired goals.