Rapid Recovery Instructions

What if you could undergo breast augmentation (enlargement) and get back to normal activities the same day? Dr. Pflueger specializes in a unique, innovative Rapid Recovery program that encourages regular movement, returning to maximum mobility and strength as soon as possible. 

Minimal Downtime

Rapid Recovery patients safely recover from surgery with minimal discomfort and physical restrictions. Patients following this program resume many activities within hours and get back to living their full, normal lives within days. This means less work, family, and social time missed! 

Resume Daily Activities the Day of Surgery

Many of the things that you do every day can be beneficial for recovery! Your normal habits and movements can help promote healing, reduce discomfort, and maintain strength and flexibility. This will help you resume normal life more quickly, more effectively, and to your best advantage. Within hours, our patients are moving and stretching, going out and about, even shopping!

No Strong Pain Medication Necessary

You won't have to worry about negative side effects from some of the strong pain medications that are sometimes prescribed for patients. When the Rapid Recovery protocol is followed correctly, patients take ibuprofen(Motrin) to manage any pain and discomfort. If there are other medication being taken, this also means there is a greatly reduced chance of negative drug interactions. 

General Advice

It may be useful to think of this as like recovering from a pulled muscle, the result of lifting the pectoralis muscle and placing an implant beneath it. Like any other pulled muscle, it does get better with motion. It is not unusual to feel tighter and more swollen by the end of the day. This is temporary. Patients often experience tightness and soreness in the sternal area, but this will resolve as the tissues adjust to their new dimensions. Many patients also notice soreness or discomfort in the back, which primarily results from patients tensing the shoulder muscles and sleeping in an unusual position. This too is temporary. 

You may or may not choose to wear the surgical bra provided, but the band alone is just fine. Wear the band every night until you see Dr. Pflueger for your post-operative follow up appointment. DO NOT SLEEP on your side or stomach for the first week following surgery. Should you awaken and discover that you are on your side/stomach, do not worry, you have not hurt anything, just return to lying on your back. Sleep no more than eight (8) hours, so you do not become overly stiff. 

Post Operative Instructions (Day 2-5)

  • Upon awakening in the morning, resume the process. Have your normal breakfast, then take the first ibuprofen 800 mg. After 20-30 minutes, you may get back in the shower, begin the arm stretches, and resume mild daily activities.

  • Continue to take ibuprofen (or Toradol) three (3) times a day, about every eight (8) hours, for a full five (5) days. Even if you may think you do not need it, the anti-inflammatory effect is more beneficial than most people realize.

  • Rest as needed. It is not uncommon to run out of energy mid-day for the first few days after surgery, as your body is expending a lot of calories for healing. If you need to, take a nap, then get up and continue with arm stretches and ibuprofen as before.

Post Operative Instructions (After Day 5)

Continue to follow this process until advised by Dr. Pflueger, according to your post-operative follow up appointment(s). 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do I need to do anything to my incision?

A: No, there is no need for antibiotic ointment, scar creams, massage, etc.

Q: How long do I leave the tape on my incision?

A: The tape often stays on for several weeks. Leave the tape on as long as possible, as it helps keep your scar from widening.

Q: What kind of bra should I wear?

A: You will be provided with a surgical bra and a 3-inch breast band for sleeping. You can wear any supportive, non-underwire bra, camisole or sport bra, as long as you are comfortable. You can begin wearing underwire bras four (4) weeks after surgery.

Q: When can I take a bath or get into a swimming pool/hot tub/body of water?

A: Do not submerse your breasts in any body of water for 2-3 weeks after surgery, due to the risk of infection.

Q: When can I exercise?

A: You can resume high-intensity aerobics after 72 hours. If you resume high impact activities (running, jogging, Zumba, etc.), be sure to wear two (2) snug supportive sports bras. No chest exercises (bench press, push-ups, etc.) for 2-3 weeks.